
Sewing, crochet, crafts, accessories, baking, tutorials,

Sunday Sevens #156


Linking up with Nat from Threads & Bobbins for another edition of Sunday Sevens – a weekly blog series showing your life outside of the blog.

1. With No.2 Son away at school and No.3 Son away on a school trip for four days, The husband and I took ourselves off to Exmoor for the day, primarily to check out a b+b which was new to the market. No, this isn’t it – just a pretty mill cottage worthy of a photo.


2. A quick pint and some pork scratchings to warm up in this 13th Century coaching inn after a walk in the snow. Built in 1290, follow the link to read its fascinating history.


3. The first day of Spring looked like this – note the rhubarb INSIDE the French windows in an effort to save them from the freezing weather.


4. Just the weather for a bread and butter pudding, made from stale bread leftover from the party.


5. Tess sat at my feet as if to say “Yes Mum, you look very nice in all that pink – NOW can we go for a walk?”.


6. With Tess curled up in her favourite place by the wood burner, some friends unexpectedly turned up at the same café, so we had a nice catch up.


7. Our Knit ‘n’ Natter session at The Slipped Stitch in Sherborne is dog friendly, as Dottie here will testify. Everyone actually makes an effort to wear what they’ve knitted as well, including the tank top on the far left. The lady in the centre is wearing her hand knitted jumper and pleated skirt – I am SO going to rock this look when I’m old enough to get away with it!!


8. Mr H-L met me afterwards for lunch at the pub opposite for a mixed fish sharing platter.


9. Last minute decision to make a baby blanket for the imminent arrival of a friend’s baby which was finished with twenty minutes to spare!


10. A tasting session of our home brews culminated in this pretty concoction of Prosecco with Sloe Gin in champagne saucers given to me for my birthday.


11. My sister gave me some old pillowcases to reuse as I see fit, so the first one was put to use as “hats” for jam made with blackberries from the freezer and apples from my mother’s tree.


12. The dresser looks better now it’s restocked.img_4913

13. Finally, the almost obligatory pic of Tess and the husband in our local pub.

img_4911That’s it for this week folks!

Author: sewchet

Sewing, Crochet and other loveliness!

29 thoughts on “Sunday Sevens #156

  1. Oh my! That knitted suit!!! I would expire from heat in it but I do so want to make me one! My granddaughter already won’t be seen with me in some of the things I wear – and my daughter often just bursts out laughing when I turn up – but this would knock their shop-bought socks off!
    Perhaps we could make a pact to meet up in our latter years Sheila in our knitted suits!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am fascinated by the fact that you always seem to get the seat nearest the fire/log burner – do you just look threateningly at anybody already sitting there until they move? 😉
    Your jams look beautiful on the dresser – I wouldn’t want to open them.
    Wow! to the pleated skirt ensemble – it must have taken her ages.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I don’t know – maybe everyone else is too polite to head straight for the best seat in the house and we have no such compunctions! I love seeing prettified jars of homemade jam on the dresser, so much so that I think manufacturers are missing a trick not selling them with hats on😬

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hmm. One of our favourite puddings too. First time I made it for the son in law he was amazed that it is actually stale bread. He loved it, and now always asks for it.
    Lovely to see you keeping warm in the cooler weather, but still making the most of it and enjoying the crisp air.
    Did the weather turn your hair curly? I love it like that.
    Great job on the blanket and the jam jars. They do look super cute.
    Hugs to Tess, she looks very comfy wherever she gets to visit.
    Have a great new week. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I sometimes don’t bother straightening my hair if the humidity is high and this was one of those days! Bread and butter pudding is a staple over here and it can be made more ‘posh’ with lots of extras like fruit and brandy. Our freezer was full with blackberries from last Summer so I’m making jam in an attempt to free up space for this year’s crop. The school fair will profit from about thirty jars of jam as our dresser has 16 on it and that’s plenty. Tess is enjoying lots of walks and is slowly but surely getting over Fifi, thank goodness. Enjoy your cooler weather😀

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  4. You can’t say you didn’t have a proper winter this year Sheila – these snow photos are amazing! Glad to hear Tess is recovering from losing her pal – its so hard on the little guys sometimes. My goodness, that suit – the amount of work in it, the weight of it and the potential heat factor would scare me! But I have no doubt you would indeed rock one of your own – netter start knitting, it will take you a decade or two to finish 🙂 The jam hats are very pretty and I hope the rhubarb survives.

    Liked by 1 person

    • A proper Winter indeed – a couple of snow days is all we need! Yes, Tess is much brighter now, the pub walks are obviously a health benefit. I rather fancy something a bit more ‘in your face’ in terms of a knitted suit. Fluorescent rainbow shades maybe!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I love your tess in front of the B&B pub fire, she just knowswhere she should be. Can’t beat pretty jam jars. The fish dinner looks jolly nice. the knitted suit will have to be purple!

    Liked by 2 people

    • In terms of a knitted suit, I think I’d have to be a vision in rainbow! Tess gravitates towards the fire in every pub we go to, and it would be rude not to follow her, wouldn’t it? Dressers were made for jars of homemade jam with pretty hats and handwritten labels, weren’t they?


  6. What a delightful week… the jam looks wonderful on the shelf! I love the snowy first picture what a gorgeous spot! Your knit and natter ladies are awesome!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, pots of homemade jam on a dresser are a very satisfying sight indeed, aren’t they, and what dressers were made for. It was a lovely day on Exmoor in the snow, so picturesque. I have to agree that my knit ‘n’ natter ladies are totally awesome!

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  7. The dresser and jams look like they are straight out of a magazine – Love, love, love your ladies in their knitwear, how I would love to rock my own hand made clothes at their age!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aw, thanks, I must admit there’s nothing prettier than a dresser full of homemade jams. I am definitely going to rock the handknit outfit look when I’m old enough not to care what other people think!!

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  8. Another fun packed week. I love that old dears suit (I’m sure I have enough yarn….).
    The drink in your champagne saucers look tasty 😉.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Lovely use of time without the kids – well done! We shall all be rocking the knitted outfits in our autumn years – yay! One question, was the baby blanket actually finished 20 mins before the baby’s delivery, or 20 minutes before you met the Mum to be (or both perhaps!) . Nice blog post x

    Liked by 1 person

    • The baby blanket was finished 20 minutes before the baby shower – baby is due in a couple of weeks, so that’s good timing, I’d say! I can’t wait to be old enough to rock the head-to-toe-in-knits look:)

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  10. That fish platter looks absolutely wonderful!! Looks like a lovely week full of nice moments 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Bread and butter pudding has to be one of my all time favourite puddings. That one looks delicious. And I must try sloe gin with prosecco too. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. You’re not alone, we always head for the best seat in the pub too 🙂 Is it me, or is Tess looking a bit brighter? Great week. You jam pot covers look fab and what a quick thing to do to make such an impact! Was the B&B you viewed any good? Can’t wait to see you on Four in a bed BTW 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tess is definitely a LOT brighter now – all those pub walks were for her benefit obviously:) I can never resist a pot of jam with a fabric hat on it, so I always put them on mine and I’m sure it helps them sell. The b+b was lovely, but in the centre of a small village with no parking. With 9 letting rooms we thought that was a compromise too far, as guests would potentially have to drag their suitcases for half a mile! Not doing Four In A Bed, no way! Saw one where they were marked down for finding half a hair on the bed valance UNDERNEATH the mattress. Don’t get me wrong, we’re all for hygiene – just not to forensic standards:)

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      • Great to hear Tess is perking up and not just my imagination. Clearly, yes, the pub trips were for her. The sacrifices you and Mr L H make 😉
        I’m sure you’re right about the jam.
        Oh yes, sufficient parking is essential. You don’t want to go bugging the neighbours either, even if people can get in closer.
        Absolutely don’t do four in a bed, I haven’t seen many, but you’re right, they’re practically in with microscopes and almost always people marking others down when they don’t deserve it, just so they can win.


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