
Sewing, crochet, crafts, accessories, baking, tutorials,


Ta Da! Eastern Jewels Blanket

One last push saw me finish the Eastern Jewels Blanket last night and, after giving the border a quick final steam block this afternoon, I can finally show it to you……so here it is!

It all started when this giveaway popped up in my Instagram feed.

I fell in love instantly and couldn’t wait to start so, instead of entering the giveaway, I got straight onto the internet to order a kit. Trouble was, they were so popular that the first three shops I tried had completely sold out. Eventually, I managed to buy one from Black Sheep Wools and, if I remember correctly, didn’t have to wait much more than twenty-four hours before the postman came a-knockin’ with a delivery.

The nice folk at Black Sheep Wool also included a handy project bag in which to lug the entire kit around.

The blanket breaks down into 16 octagons, 9 squares, 12 triangles and 4 corners.

I decided to go row-by-row, crocheting everything together as soon as I had the components of one row finished and blocked.

I can honestly say that I never once got bored with this blanket, as every single element was different. Whilst each of each shape consisted of the same pattern, the colourway to each one was unique.

The centre “wheel” part of the octagons: –

The “fans”: –

The best thing about this particular blanket is that it is very portable as you can take the working piece with you and leave the rest at home. Mine came to a few of The Boys’ football matches.

Here’s a row’s worth of components; I was very disciplined and weaved in all the ends as soon as I finished each piece. When I had crocheted all the bits for one row, I blocked them and crocheted them together as I went.

Initially it was because I was impatient to see results, but it also meant that the dreaded ‘finishing off’ was never a Thing.

Having started on October 6th, I had finished all the actual components by November 5th, just a month later…..but hadn’t managed to assemble the final row.

Then Christmas happened and all the associated last minute making and preparations, so I didn’t pick it up again until the weekend. Determined to finish it, I crocheted it all together and added the border, swapping out the final row of “mustard” for “fuchsia” which, I feel, frames the blanket better.

For those who would like to see the detail zoomed in, here’s a close up of the octagons…..

…..the squares…..

…..the larger triangles…..

…..and the corner triangles and border.

The whole is connected by double crochet (US single) on the reverse.

This is the back of the blanket, which doesn’t look too shabby either.

I initially photographed the blanket on the bed in one of the spare bedrooms as it provided a neutral backdrop.

Not like our lounge, which is a riot of colour and where the blanket will actually live and fits in perfectly – keeping my knees warm whilst sat on this sofa, feet up, working on one of my many WIPs.

Has anyone else been tempted by this blanket, or is it too “in your face” for the lasting trend for neutral interiors?