
Sewing, crochet, crafts, accessories, baking, tutorials,

Van’s Style Crocheted Slippers


Just in case you hadn’t noticed, Christmas is fast approaching which, in my case, means any handmade gifts I have planned need to be either made by now or, at the very least, be quick and easy projects to be squeezed in on the odd evening.

This is a quick and easy project.

And cheap – which is a bonus at this time of year!

May I present to you the Van’s Style Crocheted Slippers by Shush Lander for Craftsy.

Shush LanderI reckon these are as cool as it gets for the inherently un-cool footwear that is a slipper, so I thought I’d make a couple of pairs for The Boys for Christmas.

The digital pattern can be bought on Craftsy for the extremely reasonable price of £2.97 but it gets better – the three balls of yarn I bought from Minerva makes two pairs of slippers (with loads left over) at a cost of £1.79 per ball. Add it all together and divide by two (c’mon, keep up!) and it works out at a VERY cheap £4.08 per pair, a bargain by anyone’s standards, I would say!

This is the bundle that arrived from Minerva Crafts – three balls of Stylecraft acrylic yarn and a packet of round hat elastic.

IMG_2606So, how did they work up?

Well, the pattern is extensive and pretty easy to follow, so no problems there, and the Stylecraft Special DK promises to wash like a dream as it’s good, hardwearing yarn, perfect for slippers.

There are instructions for eight different sizes from toddler through to adult. Hmmm, I wonder if all the difficult-to-buy-for males in the family would like a pair? Except my sixteen year old nephew – he asked his mother to tell me never to crochet anything for him again after the Bob Marley Rasta hat I made for him last Christmas!

The soles are worked with two strands of yarn at a time to make a sturdy, cushioned base for the slipper.

Vans style crocheted slippers2The body of the slipper is crocheted with just one strand of yarn into the back of each stitch which results in a rather lovely ribbed pattern.

Vans style crocheted slippers1You crochet over a circle of hat elastic at the ankle edge to give a more snug and secure fit.

Vans style crocheted slippersYou can just see the elastic if I stretch the top edge open wide.

Vans style crocheted slippers3Bottom edge before: –

Vans style crocheted slippers4 Bottom edge after: –

Vans style crocheted slippers5 A row of slip stitches cleverly cover up the change of yarn colour as demonstrated in this photo: –

Vans style crocheted slippers6Next are the laces which are just for show – two very long rows of simple chain stitches.Vans style crocheted slippers8I made 150 chains instead of the stated 110 as I didn’t feel they were long enough.

lacesThe ‘laces’ are just threaded through with a darning needle and tied in a bow to give the trainer look.

Vans style crocheted slippers9And there you are – a pair of Van’s style slippers whipped up in an evening!

Red vans crocheted slippersThe following evening I made a second pair in blue.

They look a bit like babies’ booties lined up like this!

Vans slippersSize wise, I found that they crocheted up small so would suggest going up a size, but they are stretchy so will still be fine for The Boys.

Blue vans crocheted slippers

Blue vans crocheted slippers2

Blue vans crocheted slippers1I ended up giving these to The Boys after they were finished because the photos look better while they are being worn and a little bit odd without a foot inside.

Blue vans crocheted slippers3No.3 Son in particular is chuffed with them, but No.2 Son says they’re a bit tight…..guess what I’ll be making out of the leftover yarn tonight?

Author: sewchet

Sewing, Crochet and other loveliness!

51 thoughts on “Van’s Style Crocheted Slippers

  1. Really great make and pretty cool if you ask me. At least no 3 son will grow in no 2 son’s slippers 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. These look great! I’ve made a few crocheted high top converse, but I really like the ‘clean simplicity’ of these.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Brilliant! I love slippers and these are so clever. Thanks for the reminder about Christmas!! I was having a minor/major panic yesterday evening about my failure to get on with gift making. I then proceeded to carry on with the skirt I was sewing!

    Liked by 2 people

    • I know what you mean – I’m procrastinating with the very last of seven lacy scarves I’ve been making as gifts. Anything else seems more attractive now as I’m a bit bored after making seven of them:)


  4. Super slippers! Lucky sons. What about a pair for you?

    Liked by 2 people

  5. They’re brilliant. The perfect gift for those hard to buy for people.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. These are hilarious and awesome! Almost makes me wish I crocheted!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Those are adorable! They look like actual sneakers!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. It is so hard to find patterns for men’s gifts. These are great.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I love them but couldn’t possibly wear them in my house as we have hard floors everywhere and they wouldn’t last five minutes. In my next life, as I like to say, I’m going to have cream coloured carpets and furniture, no pets and float around in light coloured clothing wearing crocheted beige slippers.

    Liked by 2 people

    • We’ve got hard floors which are great for pets and dirty feet and is the reason I made these – they can just be chucked in the washing machine. The double-stranded soles make them hardwearing, but I’ll let you know if they wear out!


  10. hmmmm…. I should try and make a pair for me…. they look so cozy 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Super cool! Whatever are you going to get your nephew?? Sounds like a hard one to please. I’ve been so unorganised this year and haven’t done anything! As in absolutely nothing for Christmas. Luckily I’m only working 8 days in December, need to pull my finger out. 😳

    Liked by 2 people

  12. They look so realistic Sheila – especially new on! Now I believe you might still have to come up with another little gift for the boys for Christmas?

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Neato they are super cool. I wouldn’t expect any less from you. You are so talented. I love the things you come up with. You could probably make something out of a blade of grass. LOL Much love to you and the family. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Love them!! 👌👌👌

    Liked by 1 person

  15. These are fantastic, what a great gift for men and boys alike! You make if look so easy!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. They are just great, they sound fun to make too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  17. You make crochet look so effortless!!! (I’d be struggling to make the chain for the lace) Brilliant slippers – love the colours too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Crochet always looks far more complicated than it actually is, believe me! They’re quite a novel design, aren’t they? The male of the species aren’t renowned for their love of crochet, but these could be an exception:)


  18. Wow I’m impressed. They look fantastic.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. These are brilliant and cute. They’ve got to be super cozy, too!

    Liked by 1 person

  20. I think they look absolutely fabulous. Thank you very much for referring to my pattern, that’s very gracious. Do you mind if I put the photos of your slippers on my Facebook page with a reference to your webpage?

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Thank you. Here is the link:


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