
Sewing, crochet, crafts, accessories, baking, tutorials,

Tilda’s Appliquéd Make Up Bag


I’ve had a few birthday presents to make lately, luckily all of them for women, so it was just a case of browsing through one of my many books and choosing something appropriate to the individual.

I find that making a gift for someone you know is very different to making items to sell, in several ways: –

  • For a start, I don’t have to consider how long it will take versus how much I can sell it for, I can put as much time and effort in as I want which usually means it can be more elaborately decorated.
  • I can take the recipient’s personality into consideration and personalise the gift accordingly.
  • I enjoy the process far more, knowing that the thought and effort that I have invested will be appreciated.
  • It’s a one off – I get bored making more than one of things which is often what you have to do when stocking up for your online shop/craft fair etc.

I found the perfect little gift in Tilda’s book, ‘Sew Pretty Homestyle’.


A cute little make up bag (cosmetic purse) with appliquéd detail on the front – the sort of added extra that can take hours and couldn’t possibly be done at a profit if making to sell.

After tracing off the single pattern piece, I cut out candy-pink striped fabric for the outside, coordinating checked fabric for the lining and some batting to add structure.


This method for appliqué is a good one for tiny items where there’s not much fabric to put under the sewing machine foot.

You start by transferring your design (angel’s wings) onto a double thickness of fabric and stitching around, leaving an opening for turning.


Trim close to the stitching.


Turn and press.


Repeat with all the appliquéd elements and pin to the front of the make up bag.


Sew all the motifs on, making sure your stitches are hidden.


This type of appliqué gives a raised finish when sewn on and the stitches are almost invisible rather than being a feature.


Little swirls adorn the wings, all done by hand with the tiniest of stitches.


Add some eyes and hair to the naive-style face together with an embroidered flower and the decoration is complete!


Construction was straightforward enough.


A row of rustic running stitches keeps the lining from getting caught in the zip as well as being a pretty detail.



Of course, the process could be sped up enormously if the motifs were stitched on by machine and free-machine embroidery used for the wing swirls and flower.

I chose to do it by the book, so to speak, as it gave a more homespun feel that I was looking for.



I love the coordinating lining – it makes the inside a nice surprise when you undo the zip.


This was the ideal project to use up scraps too, as it uses so little for the body and lining of the bag and the appliquéd motifs are literally tiny pieces you’d normally throw away!


Thankfully, the make up bag was very well received, so all that effort was worthwhile – I might even make some more for Christmas presents.

Author: sewchet

Sewing, Crochet and other loveliness!

41 thoughts on “Tilda’s Appliquéd Make Up Bag

  1. I’m trying to write something suitable but the fact is that I’m speechless as always…. You are skilled indeed!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You do make me smile! The tutorial is easy to follow if you fancy giving it a go? Such small amounts of fabric are needed that it would be good practice without worrying about waste if it goes wrong:)

      Liked by 1 person

      • I was thinking about but the hidden stitches makes me worry a bit…. and of course I don’t know how to embroider the flower…. to be hones,I was thinking about a bag for my Mum who’s wandering around with an old one…. Since I have some wadding left from my quilted blanket, I was musing about a quilted bag…. I’ll be off to the fabric store next week…. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Good idea, a bag is always useful as they get tatty so quickly if used a lot. Your sewing skills are improving so quickly, I love to see how good you’re getting:)

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you so very much!! ❤ ❤ ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  2. What a lovely gift to recive. She is very lucky K xXx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Why do I want to copy everything you do? Amazeballs!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. That is so cute. I really like that way of applique and the raised effect it gives. I’m sure she will love it! x

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Awww that is super cute. I definately will have to try making one for my youngest grand daughters. She would love to put all her makeup in it. One thing is for sure. You have the cutest books and projects to thumb through at a moments notice. Truely amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Robin, it is a sweet design, isn’t it? Perfect for your granddaughter I would imagine. You wouldn’t believe the craft books I’ve accumulated and discarded over the years. Some books inspire me more than others and some end up going to the charity shop after twenty years without a single project having been made!


  6. Oh so pretty – I think you were right to do it by hand rather than machine. The effect wouldn’t have been so dainty and neat.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Cute bag – Love the hand embroidery and applique, feels more personal as well as more homespun than machine.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Aw, thanks so cute, & thanks for the link for the book, could do with some gift inspiration myself!
    Sorry I’ve not been in touch, it’s tomorrow we’re off to Taunton. We’ve no plans except cricket each day 10 til 3 to 4 ish. I’ll drop I an email with my mob no 😃

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Adorable!! I would love to receive that as a gift!


  10. Another lovely gift! Thank you so much for showing us the sewing details. But how did you invisibly sew on the appliqué? It’s the invisible part I wonder about!
    Sorry I’m late to this party – for some reason, your posts come later to my reader.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Gorgeous! Love your choice of fabrics and how intricate the embroidery is – I think my favourite part is the flower she is holding. Another very lucky gift-recipient!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your lovely comment:) It’s the kind of thing that makes a perfect gift as everyone needs a new make up bag occasionally, and this one is so sweet. I really enjoyed the time it took to make as well as I rarely appliqué by hand.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. This so cute, another book to add to my wish list!


  13. A lovely little project and a great gift idea too! There’s so much satisfaction from hand sewn I find…I’m sure it will get lots of use as well as much appreciation for all your time 🙂


  14. How lovely! They are sure to fall in love with those sweet gifts! Just love the hand stitching you did on them too, I agree they have a unique look to them that way! 😀


  15. This is absolutely adorable!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. I love this book too! I’ve never tried the appliqué but I will. Your work is so cute.

    Liked by 1 person

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