
Sewing, crochet, crafts, accessories, baking, tutorials,

How To Make A Mobile Phone Case


Everyone has a mobile (cell) phone nowadays and cases get tatty pretty quickly what with all that in-out wear and tear, so here’s a quick guide to making a new one.

They use so little fabric and are quick to make that they would make a great present, especially if you personalise it like I have done, with a name and motif.

Here’s how: –

Cut out your motif leaving a little fabric around all sides.


Iron a small pieces of interfacing to the reverse of the motif.


Pin the motif onto the fabric you are going to make the case out of.


Drop the feed dogs, remove the presser foot and free-machine embroider the motif to the base fabric. In this instance, I just followed the curly white lines with white thread.

(You can use Bondaweb or similar to fuse the motif to the base fabric if you would prefer the no-sew option.)


Trim away the excess fabric from the motif, cutting close to the stitching.


Repeat the process for the back and add any other details at this point too – I also embroidered the name of the recipient using the machine.


Measure your ‘phone and add a seam allowance, then cut your appliquéd sections, lining and wadding to the same size.


Sandwich a layer of wadding between the lining and main fabric and pin together. Baste through all three layers.


With lining pieces facing out and motifs facing in, pin front to back.

Stitch around the sides and bottom, leaving the top open.


Trim the seams and finish neatly by enclosing in a thin ribbon.


Turn out the right way.

A strip of bias binding is then stitched all the way around the top opening edge to enclose the raw edges.



This will be winging its way to Italy in a few weeks when I have finished the matching yarn bag.


The wooly sheep motif is ideal for a yarn addict like Tajana, but you could easily adapt your design to suit other hobbies or passions.

Maybe a fish motif for a keen fisherman, or a cat/dog for an animal lover?

What would you choose to put on the front if you were making a phone case as a gift?

Author: sewchet

Sewing, Crochet and other loveliness!

29 thoughts on “How To Make A Mobile Phone Case

  1. That is soo cute, I need to make one for my phone! I would probably put a sewing machine or something on it. These are really cute!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely make and as always a lovely clear tutorial. That sheep is so cute 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You make sewing look so easy. I can’t follow a straight line with my machine let alone a curvy one. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Love it!! I bet Tajana can’t wait for it to arrive 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I suppose that I’ve chosen the wrong wadding when I tried to sew a phone case…. Well,I’m happy my attempt went wrong because yours is simply adorable!!! I LOVE IT!!! THANK YOU!!! 💗💗💗

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hope you don’t mind me sharing it with everyone:) I’m also (just a tiny bit) glad you couldn’t make one because I wouldn’t have had the chance to make this one otherwise, and I really enjoyed doing it!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I don’t mind at all!! I’m so glad to see what’s coming my way but,please,be patient for yours. I’m going to fetch the blue yarn on Monday and than will need something like two weeks to knit the shawl. Well,it can be knitted in much less time,but I’d like to feel cozy with it because it is easy to make mistake with the pattern…

        Liked by 1 person

      • I’m just excited that you’re making me a shawl, but please don’t give up all your time to make it, you must have much more important things to be getting on with. I’m making yours in between other projects – I think you’ll love next Wednesday’s blog post, it’s my favourite so far I think. A LOT of love and effort has gone into it, but it was worth it:)

        Liked by 1 person

    • I’m so excited about the exchange and am so sorry that I didn’t have the yarn at mine to start the shawl. But it will be here soon! Do not worry,me too, I’m working on your goodies between other projects and have a lot of fun 😊 my bags are proceeding well (I made another one yesterday but has ti be FO…) and I’m ona a half way for the first scarf for the family boys… 😊 There’s plenty of time for everybody. Just left my BM’s gifts as last because I’d like to be very focused on them 💗


  6. Your stash must be amazing – I love all the fabrics you choose for your little projects! Great tutorial 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Ali, although my stash isn’t anything compared to years ago. When I split from my ex in 2003, I literally threw everything out and started afresh – new house, new furniture, new car. Of course, I regret some of it now, particularly twenty years of paper patterns and a roomful of fabric, but it’s what I needed to do at the time:)

      Liked by 2 people

  7. These are great, a real stash buster! x

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Much more manageable project than my current one. Will definitely use your guide to make my next phone case. I would choose a rose as I love flowers.


  9. How sweet, was it tricky to do the top edge binding? I’ve never appliquéd by machine but would like to have a go after seeing this. Seriously, I’m going to have to chuck you off my blog reader as my list of wants has increased ten-fold since I found you. Lol


  10. This is so very cute! The little lambies are just the sweetest things… I need one of these for me and all my girls. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. What a good idea to use a motif rather than a patterned fabric. It’s b-ewe-tiful 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Pingback: Handmade Gift Exchange | Sewchet

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