
Sewing, crochet, crafts, accessories, baking, tutorials,

The Hoodie That (Almost) Changed My Mind


It’s finished!

For those of you that would like to see how the dreaded Hoodie turned out, here’s a link to the full blog post: – The Hoodie That (Almost) Changed My Mind


Author: sewchet

Sewing, Crochet and other loveliness!

34 thoughts on “The Hoodie That (Almost) Changed My Mind

  1. I think, if they decide to riot in Croydon again, this sort of hoodie would make them look much less scary.
    I have two hoodies which I only wear on my way to Zumba and yoga and I only like the ones with zips so that you can show you have something much more feminine and flattering on underneath.
    As you know, I hate camping but, if by some quirk of fate like I have been kidnapped and brainwashed by an evil Scoutmaster and ended up bound for a tent in England, I will reach for this pattern. 😉

    Liked by 3 people

    • Ha ha! Well, I never thought I’d make a hoodie for myself, so you never know! That’s probably the reason I put a zip in the pattern, too, otherwise I’d be an even rounder, shapeless blob:)


  2. I think it turned out quite cute. I liked everything about it. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Your face is priceless. They do have a place and glad your will get some use. Lovely colour K xXx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hoodies are my favorite piece of clothing. I love hoodies and I wear them all the time. I love yours. You did a fabulous job on it as usual. Your expression is priceless. When the wind is blowing you will love yours too. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s interesting to hear. I appreciate their comfort value, just not convinced they’re the most flattering or feminine of garments. Would love to be proved wrong! Don’t get me wrong – I will be extremely grateful for it as bad weather is forecast for our camping trip:(


  5. Great adaptations, Sheila, and well-chosen fabric. Hope you have much good weather and lots of fun camping!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. With all your professional adjustments, it’s turned out fab and should do a great job of keeping you warm;-) I’m sure you’ll all have a fantastic time 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  7. This looks great! Definitely a much prettier and more flattering take on a hoodie, such lovely fabric too 🌺

    Liked by 1 person

  8. It is pretty, the fabric really works. 🙂 You look stunning, and will keep warm and dry for sure.
    I do have hooded jackets, and they are very useful for taking the dog out late at night during winter. I prefer a cute hat or beanie mostly.
    Take care and enjoy. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. You did a lovely job and no one will confuse you for a rioting thug in that – very feminine! Thanks for all the tips with zips, button holes etc. I’ve stored them away for future reference 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Lovely job and not at all thuggish. I wear one to walk HRH and can be found in one often not being thuggish. Now stop pulling that face or the wind will change and you’ll get stuck like it 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I think it looks great! Adding a zip sounds so easy and will make such a difference to the wearability of your hoodie.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. It looks great! I got scared when you had on the hood only. But the finished product looks great. I love the tape on the cord trick.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I agree that they do little to flatter the figure, but they are warm, cozy and practical, especially for camping and yours is gorgeous. Your photo here cracked me up. I clicked over to Minerva and left comments there. I’m glad the American Girl gets a matching top. Someone will be happy!


  14. I think it turned out great! I hope you have a lovely time camping and the sun shines for you 🙂


  15. Oh I’m late to the party….but I love this! It looks like the hood stays nice and tight to keep the icy wind out. And I must say, your expression has “softened” just a bit with the completion. 😉 Enjoy your camping in comfort!


  16. Pingback: American Girl Doll’s Clothes | Sewchet

  17. You are rocking the hoodie! And it’ll help keep,the midgies away on an evening when you’re sat outside with a glass of vino on the balmy summer evenings we often get (I’m an eternal optimist!) 😎


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